Autobahn Police Simulator 3 – Update 1.2.2

The focus for 1.2.2 was the groundwork for improvements in the world streaming processes and general optimizations of various background & UI processes to free up some computation time and memory during general gameplay. We do plan to add some more optimizations to the world streaming and various missions to further improve the performance.

On the gameplay side we mainly focused on Procedural Accidents, Shooting and various improvements to the Сamera behavior & transitions in different parts of the game. Following are some of the most noteworthy changes:


• Added Shooting Difficulty selection to the Gameplay Options.
• Shooting now uses an accuracy system. If you walk while shooting or shoot multiple shoots your accuracy will decrease indicated by the expanding crosshair.
• We changed the camera perspective while aiming and player movement is now allowed while aiming and shooting.
• We changed how enemies detect the player and enemy hits are calculated. This also includes group behavior of enemies to reduce the chance of being directly overwhelmed if there are multiple enemies.
• Your companion now tries to help you during shooting missions.
• Head shots are now punished. If you aim too much at the heads of enemies, the mission will fail.
• Improved colliders around areas where shooting missions take place to prevent some situations where the player could get stuck in furniture.
• Increased the number of possible spawn points for car chases triggered by radio calls.
• Changed the selection algorithm for missions triggered by the sandbox mission board to allow more variability in the spawned missions.
• Changed conditions for when a broken-down car is despawned. Now broken-down cars are longer available to trigger the mission and do not disappear directly after teleportation.
• Tweaked the damage taken during car chases to make it easier to stop fleeing vehicles while ramming them.
• Changed the selection algorithm for fake evidence during procedural accidents. Now there is a bit more variability in accidents.
• Changed how conclusions for an accident are made. Now there is a choice depending on your investigation results.
• Tweaked vehicle physics to improve vehicle controls while driving.
• Increased the time constructions zones stay active to improve the odds of encountering one.


• Fixed calculation for the number of available tech-tree items showing a wrong result.
• Fixed rank tasks are not properly updated sometimes after their conditions were fulfilled.
• Fixed various causes for possible soft locks in unique missions.
• Fixed black screens sometimes do not disappear after starting missions or skipping cutscenes.
• Fixed some possible soft locks if you try to change your vehicle during an already running mission.
• Fixed a possible soft lock if the vehicle damage is deactivated in options after the vehicle took damage.
• Fixed player and enemies can shoot and hit each other through solid walls.
• Fixed enemies become invulnerable if they were defeated using a take down and then restarting the mission.
• Fixed soft lock caused by reaching 100% vehicle damage while inside the trigger to enter a garage for repair.
• Fixed soft lock caused by unintentional interaction with other items while carrying something. This could for example happen with the broom.


• Camera handling and positions while entering, exiting, and driving vehicles are improved.
• Improved camera and gameplay transitions in and out of cutscenes.
• Improved camera positioning in dialogues and added a check to prevent the camera from moving into NPCs.
• Improved UI colors for placing pylons during evening and nighttime.
• Reworked various animations during shooting. For example, it is now more visible if an enemy is hit.


• Photo mode is now enabled on consoles.
• [PS4] various texture improvements.
• [PS4] increased vegetation density.
• [PS4] fixed a possible crash while placing pylons in mission “Animal Road Hazard”.
• [PS4] memory optimizations to fix some possible crashes during gameplay in missions or while taking photos of landmarks.
• [PS5] added basic support for steering wheels.

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Comments (2)

  • Dan walker
    June 5, 2023 at 4:25 pm Reply
    The first mission is still not working on ps5. You fixed The photo bug but sketching the scene doesn't work.
    • June 13, 2023 at 7:16 am Reply
      Hi thank you for feedback. Can you please describe what do you mean with sketch bug? You can also write to

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